Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Welcome 2014

Hello Friends –

Wish you a happy and prosperous 2014J.

Apologies for not putting new topics in my blog from few months and I don’t to excuse myself by apologizing – because I know “Being Busy is always Good, It shows that I am alive”.

 2013 was a great year for me – when I jog my memory – I want to put in Steve’s style “Insanely Great Year” personally and professionally. Since two years, I have been working on new data standards (CDISC), Spent lot of time in connecting the DOTS and try to simplify my JOB easy as a Clinical SAS Programmer. And I certainly believe, Statistical programmer role make a big difference in clinical drug development process.
I decided to bring in upcoming TOPICS about CDISC and Metadata related stuff which helps us to do Programming tryouts to lean the clinical drug development process time.
I welcome you, let’s learn together and make the change by

Venkata Maguluri


Tuesday, January 11, 2011


This blog is absolutely dedicated to provide all clinical trials, statistical programming techniques, Clinical statistical models and latest developments in the industry. I will try to share all statistical and programming tips to the followers and collating all SAS interview questions to facilitate ease in the interview process. Please do mail me, if you need any specific information about clinical SAS.

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Thanks in advance for your time.